Cyril - 96
When my 96-year-old Grandad was admitted to a care home, he had suffered from Dementia for 5+ years which gradually overtook him and his ability to care for himself. His wife was also of old age and not able to provide the around the clock care that he needed.
Whilst in the care home Grandad suffered several falls and was only found in the morning when the Care Team were collecting the residents to take them for breakfast. As he had lost the ability to speak by this time, he was unable to say how long he'd been on the floor before being found.
Grandad, whose name was also Cyril, had the sensors put in around his bedroom and bathroom area. While the falls didn't stop, and potentially became more frequent, the technology alerted the care home staff with an alarm so that he could be attended to immediately when a fall occurred.
The technology provided reassurance to the family that a fall in the night would never again be left undiscovered until the next morning.